
Friday 6 June, 2008

Death Of Loved One - Forever and Always

Why are you crying?

Do you think I'm gone?

I haven't left you.

I'm where I belong.

Anytime you are lonely...

anytime you are sad...

anytime that your heart breaks...

anytime you are mad...

all you have to do is close your eyes

and I'll be there with you.

You see the world may take my body

but that's all that it can do.

When Jesus died upon the cross,

He took away our sins.

< He conquerer death so we can live

in heaven where life begins.

Don't stop the memory

of the times we shared.

It's God way to help you through.

Take time to laugh when life gets hard

the way we used to do!

A smell? A touch? The morning sun?

They all will help you see.

I never left. I'm still there.

Now smile once more for me.

Live each day. Keep looking up.

My life was not in vain.

I finished the task I was born to do.

That's why I couldn't remain.

Until I see you again -

I love you forever and always.

There is such a void after a loved one dies. Besides memories of all the good times God allowed you to share, you now are faced with the the unfulfilled dreams of the future. Some of you will decide to just let go of any future plans you made together. You will either believe it is an impossible dream or that it would be wrong to move forward alone. Yet others will take the walk of faith for a short time - only to be burdened with all the memories of the lost tomorrows.

The poem, "Forever and Always," was written to let you know that just because a loved one's body dies, it does not mean their soul does. God gives you memories to keep your loved one with you until you are united again in heaven. Give yourself time to mourn, but don't block the memory of your loved one and the special time you shared here on earth.

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